
目前显示的是 2015的博文

you can heal your life

爱是一剂神奇的药,‘爱自己’会让我们生命出现奇迹。 Love is the miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.                                                                     —Louise Hay (露易丝·海) 在这个星球上,有一个女子,她有以下的人生经历: 18个月,父母离婚,母亲不得不离家工作,因此她没有受到很好的照顾。 5岁,母亲再婚,继父生性残忍。同年,她被老酒鬼邻居强暴。成长岁月中一直要做沉重的粗话,忍受继父身体和性的虐待。在学校里被同学和老师看不起。 15岁,忍无可忍,离家退学做了服务生。因为极度的渴望爱和很低的自尊,只要谁对她好,她就和谁发生关系,很快就怀孕了。 16岁,生下了一个小女婴,送人抚养,并为此感到失落、罪恶感和羞耻。此后她去了一个大都市,干了几年粗活,后改做时装模特。遇到一个英国绅士,过上了体面的生活。 14年后,当她终于相信自己是值得被爱的时候,丈夫却抛弃了她,另结新欢。这时她40多岁了,差点崩溃。 好不容易振作,找到自己一生想从事的事业,却在50多岁发现,由于曾受过多年的性侵犯,她得了很严重的生殖系统疾病,命悬一线。 这里面所提到的任何一个挫折,都足以构成一个人一生的梦魇和自暴自弃的原因。然而她通过学习和努力,疗愈了自己的身体和心灵,成功从命运所设定的桎...


【強大自己的5個習慣】 1、戰勝拖延:把讓你不適的任務分解成眾多小事,製成表格記錄進度。 2、健身:有意識讓自己過得不那麼安逸。 3、閱讀:建立表格,細化計劃,養成閱讀習慣。 4、早起:用自我獎勵作為早起的吸引力,如提前備好早點。 5、日記:學會專註和組織語言表達想法和思考。


《讓內心的痛苦轉化成寂靜與安穩》 在每天生活中, 對很多人來說很難避免有很多情緒起伏, 有時有很多悲傷、很多憂愁、很多恐懼與害怕, 很生氣或很想得到某東西而得不到, 因這些就是煩惱引起了很多苦, 有時令我們感到人生很苦很苦… 不過無論你當時有多悲傷痛苦與害怕都好, 立即不斷把自己感覺回來了知當下自己的全身, 如此多去觀看自己身體、去了解自己身體、 去感覺當下整個身體姿勢, 嘗試如此地活在當下, 若不斷如此去了解自己, 縱使當時多害怕、痛苦與憂悲都好, 你就會發覺這些情緒會慢慢減少減輕, 內心深處開始生起一絲絲寂靜與安穩, 甚至會生出一絲喜樂。 不要害怕有情緒生起, 因有時情緒總難免會生起, 怕只怕我們不懂此方法和去實修對治, 什麼情緒生起, 只要有正念不斷覺知全身, 那情緒便會更快速與短時間被滅去。 這是有修行的人才有的幸福。

Days overcome everything at night

I always complain about why does my happiness appear in awhile it's too pain to think like tat i never realized , it comes awhile is better than isnt coming at all learn to be appreciated with little things eyes seek for the big thing but they forgot a little sense of wind, little exposure of sunlight are the greatest happiness if u pay an attention to them Life is simple i hope the morning me, can help the night me sunlight gives me energy transform my negative thought into some better thought i hope it conserves these energy for me at night

【网传】 内心小孩

我發誓: 1. 我願意誠心誠意接納、包容我的黑暗面。 2. 當我有負面想法的時候,我會告訴那些想法:「我允許你出現!」 3. 當我有負面情緒的時候,我會告訴那些情緒:「我願意感受你,擁抱你!」接著,真的去感受那些負面情緒。 4. 在感受負面情緒的時候,我不會試著改變它們——包括要它們離開或減弱。 5. 我願意傾聽、理解、在乎、擁抱我的內心小孩。 6. 我會記得,負面情緒出現的時候,就是我的內心小孩需要愛與關懷的時候。 7. 我會記得,負面情緒出現的時候,一定要會使用2.3.4.三個步驟。 8. 當我覺得被困住的時候,我會對自己有耐心一點、溫柔一點。 9. 我願意當我內心小孩的父母,給他希望得到的愛與關懷。 10. 我會記得,先療癒自己,才去幫助別人。而我幫助別人的方式,就是真實的展現自己。

i will

i would like to give up this situation a better world is waiting for me im now wasting my time to think something bad i will carry on my normal life i will!

Disappear from this earth

Last time, she went to my house. She said i've been changed a lot i asked her how i change she listed down a few. It seem like a secret for me now. I still remember when i tell her, i hold my tear coz i was telling the stories to her the stories that i should tell , but due to some reasons i din tell to anyone. dun worry, it isnt a big matter at least im still alive now. Actually i din change i just put down the mask, be worn for so many years i still weak still breakable still being played by anyone i care i've been positive, negative, super positive and super negative these emotions are repeating always and always am i should change? am i expected too high to friend i met? i learned Let thing go am i really feel pleasure and comfort ? i know it take time but every time when that similar event happen the bad memories come agn to me last time was lucky i have someone to tell but then now i dun really know who should i tell? why i wanna tell? w...


1. ASSUME COMFORT IN ANY INTERACTION Our brain is an incredibly complicated instrument. Our relationship with it, is a love-hate one. We think we have control over it but usually our brain is the one that dictates our actions. In most of our social interactions, we find it difficult to feel comfortable among strangers because our brain tries to protect us from exposure. This however isn’t helping us when trying to be social and meet new people, is it? This is why assuming comfort is so powerful. Commanding your brain to feel that you already know the person you are about to meet, puts you in a position of advantage. It increases the chances of people showing interest in you and consequently even liking you. 2. PAY ATTENTION TO PEOPLE’S FEET WHEN YOU ARE APPROACHING THEM Interrupting people when they are in the middle of an important conversation, is one of the most annoying things to do. It shows that you have zero knowledge of social dynamics and it can also l...

10 days positive challenge

10 days positive challenge 1. think positively 2. challenge urself to do something that you feel fear 3. Laughing no matter it is done by force or not 4. if u think something bad, just ignore them 5. feel the happy moment within u 6. Meditation


超级无敌地想让自己做一些疯狂的事情 我所谓疯狂的事情要求很高的哦 就是一般人说那件事已经很疯狂的事 我是觉得还好 最好是 我自己能找到已经很疯狂的事 首创的!! 人生不要那么守规矩 疯狂吧 姐姐妹妹 ps; 真心希望可以和好朋友一起干我觉得疯狂的事!

soul mate

actually, talk about the guy i really dont need if he isnt suitable for me. i have my own definition of soul mate. Soul mate - appear when i need him,                      appear when i really need a support                     appear when im down it is better to occur during my spirit is not strong. He doesnt want to see me to force a smile. He like me , like the current characteristic of me In front of him, nothing much to change. I really hope,  if he like me, pls come out at the appropriate time. it's never be late. Pls give me a support no matter mentally or physically!


我的日子没啥好过 不过就是想让它好过 没有大风大浪的日子是很好过的 那是让自己的头脑有时间休息一回 而有风有浪的日子是让沉睡的大脑再次苏醒 大脑再次被激发 它又再想如何冲破这个难关 姐我已经受过多次创伤 已经找到了模式 伤心绝望的过程就是如此   大大小小的事情你可以承受的 ↓ 莫名的忧伤 ↓ 心已经崩溃到极点的时候,一件事情的发生造成一次内心风暴 ↓ 伤心绝望或哭得不像人样 ↓ 有时想哭却不能,就想尽办法哭 ↓ 不想虚伪,不理会周遭的人事物 ↓ 想办法让自己好过一点,姐是写日记看书本 ↓ 心情慢慢平复,有时也会轻触感伤 ↓ 已经习惯了,所以不会有感受了,想爬起来了 ↓ 真的爬起来了 ↓ 下次同样的事发生,你已知道这样安慰自己 终于明白什么是人生 就是跌跌撞撞 然后自己跌倒自己怕 之后又跌跌撞撞 又爬起来 谁都不能保证开心后的日子会不会伤心。 我是这样, 在开心的时候 帮助别人, 比如说把故事经历告诉别人 以及解决方案 他们在伤心时, 偶尔想起你的话就能 安抚 到他们了 姐很感谢 让我无法达到内心平静如水的事故 因为它们 才有有故事的姐 Im appreciate what u give me DEAR LIFE


我有一种心态, 自然简单慵懒的心态 被大家不认可 因为他们觉得人生应该奋斗 人生应该追求名气利益 人生应该世俗一点 可是我不认为啊 我觉得人生应该舒服 我们应该学会如何对自己好 而不是苦苦追寻 除非世俗会真正让你开心 不然就不要委屈自己了 人生不只是工作读书 人生是很美好的 帮助他人 做自己爱做的事情是最幸福的事 很庆幸在这小小年纪的我 就懂了 以后的路就好走了 我 庄静雯想要走自己要走的路 不跟随他人 谢谢在大学的我 想通了 过自己的生活真好 这种生活佛陀赞同就好


This is the prove that I bought hp 1515 printer. I know it's unsafe to keep it in phone


想必这篇是我朋友最喜欢的一篇了 今天 18/3/15 的 2.26am 我突然想通了 我这一切的苦都是无常的 这一切都是因为我放不下 我很感恩苦 苦让我明白生命不是永远快乐的 反过来想 生命不会永远都痛苦的 我相信 我也苦过了 剩下的就是好的开始 #雨过天晴就是那么简单 这些苦, 让我想了很久 我得到了我想要的东西 可是 这些都是可有可无的东西 抓不到也拿不了 我那么在意做什么? 平淡的过完这一生就住够了 庄静雯 别忘了 帮助他人是你人生的目标 日子再苦再乐 都别忘了你的目标 把自己设为榜样 自信的告诉别人 我也是苦过,我也这样过! 天底下没有永恒的事 在这过程中 我又感受到友谊的重要性 没想过成天嘻嘻哈哈的朋友 在你最需要帮助的时候 他们摇身一变 变成很专业的counselor 虽然他们不完全解决我的问题 不过 他们有心要帮我解决的诚意 我心领了 真的 他们的出现 让我发现 再穷 我也很富有 Vivien 醒了! 别再担心了 谢谢 vanessa venice hui qing ginny yoshiko carmen layim 谢谢你们 你们on the spot帮到我~~~ 谢谢我的环保垃圾桶 开玩笑~~ 别在意 哈哈


yeah i enjoy my feeling i used to be hiding so much of my feeling now i cant control my feeling it is a naughty guy it controls me very well im also willing being guided by it. i would nt blame of the old me because i didnt know the ways to resolve my problem it came out with a new me a new me would nt control the emotion and feelingg

i would like to say thank

I duno what r ur feelings, i feel that ways. Sometime i could laugh, confident, i did everything passionately  Sometime i could cry, self-abased, i did everything that others feel it wrong when this happen, my world suddenly becomes dark, even stars disappear i feel lonely in my world so i find out my friend, call up my friend  do whatever i can to get rid of that bad feeling of loneliness  just give me time i can jump out of this situation i would like to say thank for my obstacles and challenges, without them without stronger me #sometime, my solution is just wearing on the in-ear earphone, enjoying the music my world appears a single star but it's enough for me


你喜欢什么就做什么 ================================================= 以前, 我喜欢什么 就告诉朋友喜欢什么 个人认为很笨 因为结果只有两种 1. 泼你冷水 2. 完成你喜欢的东西后,没有很大的成就感 所以 我现在自我流行 喜欢什么就做什么 啥都无需解释 啥都无需期待 此时此刻的心情感受也无需述说 ================================================= 当然, 我对自己的改变有期待 BUT 我所谓的计划 都在我脑海里了 别问我 有啥改变? 啥样的改变 ================================================= 有告诉人, 人就有所期待, 有所期待, 你自己也在着急何时赶上自己的计划 ================================================== 有啥东西不说了 对自己才好 ================================================== 我有我一套的方式 过着我舒服慵懒的生活 无需旁人的理会 有时候 一个人越容易成长

came back from a camp

i learned a lot. we have focused our matters our goal on a short period. life is not that short. we have so many past lives and future lives. why must we put attention on this recent life only? U know, Being a human is nt as easy as u think. U must done many good deeds to obtain life as a human. so, being a human , we should nt waste our time thinking bad things, doing bad matters ( that may let our future life worse) instead, we must use our time to do meditation, which can let us implant a lot of good seeds that will bring to next future or lead u to nie pan. Nie pan means we can get away from suffer. Meditation is a good thing. We dont need to put on our hopes and happiness on other. all of us need to do is put your focus on your breathe . Focus the breathe carefully. It will later appear white light and u will see ur past lives and future lives to understand the meaning of life. Life is changeable. You urself also are also not eternal. Things will come to u base...