
目前显示的是 2016的博文
video reference :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNHBMFCzznE Brain learn new fact and skill – change brain (neuroplasticity) After puberty, reorganization in the adult brain still work Behaviour, change brain (even resting) After damage brain, also can change brain 3 ways to change Chemical- neuron (learning) -          Change very rapid – short term memory Altering its structure – physical brain changing -          Related to long term memory (takes time) -          Change structure or enlarge the specific region of brain (example blind ppl read ) Altering its function- brain activity are shifting and changing -          The thing you used more, its easier to be triggered Limits neuroplasticity Dose of practice are large Variable from person to person Practice – have to do the wor...

Sometime life

Life is full of up and down. when im climbing up a mountain, i couldnt observe myself, even couldn't notice the problems. Enjoying the feeling of proud, feeling of being noticed, being popular within friend circles, i dint notice that life isnt consistent with only good things happens . when im down, im not confident at all, even talking with my old friends, cracking jokes with nervousness and thinking so much before taking an action. I know i need to stay rational. I learned from the lessons. There is sometimes life is meaningless for me. But i couldnt tell to anyone because of my previous 'bright' image. on the same time, i try to help myself. I learned, i must accept all the negative sides of myself. i need to accept, sometimes i get motivated, get depressed, disappointed and so on. These acceptence could help me to ease the pain. Today, i get motivated by a youtuber. He explained about 6 mindset that we should have. I plan to write them ou...

vns! pls update

VNS 我看了你的blog 虽然我不懂你会不会发现这个贴 但我还是要说 你可以不可以更新一下? 我还蛮喜欢你的文笔 好贴心 还有 VNC 你的blog 我也看了 有点幼稚的你 好可爱 完毕 有股想珍惜还剩一点点稚气的你们 不然 就找不回那股味道了 科科


距离人群太远 有时候想回来还蛮漫长 就像爬岩石一样 那条路充满着伤疤和恐惧 人生那么长 可我却在这瞬间 停下了 远看这茫然的世界 始终还是原地踏步 失望的声音 不放弃的声音 兴奋的声音 迷茫的声音 不断地掺杂着 我数不清那些思想 只知道我想尝试 想重新开始 可画面就像海浪一样向前了向后 还在原地 禁不起玩笑 禁不起考验 眼看大家舒舒服服地活着 就不禁羡慕起来 何时我也能这样?
亲爱的  我又回来了 我曾说过 文字是我的避风港 至于我以前 我很容易表达我的喜欢,我的讨厌,我的情绪,我的一切 现在渐渐地成为我的障碍 原来越认识自己, 反而会觉得更陌生 放下了对人事物的热忱 剩下来的  就是个躯壳 保留 该说的 隐藏 该表现的 现在 我过得更不自在了 明明 我对所有事都在意 明明 心还在滴血 明明 很想抓一个人来打 还是忍了 我好想好想过这关 我好想好想放过我 我好想好好的休息 脑海中暂时没那么多文字好吗? 还在很迷茫的我上

Long list

I wish nobody will read on my blog i need a place to write them out it's enough for sadness I have a life. How should i carry out my life? it's enough for asking myself "here is a step, a new way to solve your problem,.... there is a step too.... there is an another option too..." The long list sometime makes another kind of noisy sound in my head. yet i din start something in my life Causing me now disappointed you may ask why i just start it right now? Ha.. This is one of my long list


我学到了一样事情 好好对待自己,接纳自己 也不懂这是这是第几回 心很累,累了多少回 当挫折来的,没有去记录当时的心情 只知道自己很累 累得不行 选择不告诉我眼前可以见到的人 担心说了他 / 她 会不会威胁我的日子 何时变得那么不信任别人? 其实当生活的光芒越来越渺小时 自然地 信任已经消失了 在自己累的时候 反而不能好好同理自己 就好像你曾经慷慨的给予别人同理心 在心里,你明知道 不可以再责备自己了 但 实际上 你控制不了自己 什么是解决压力,烦恼? 除非当时真的很理智, 不然就要等时间过了 才放下了解决烦恼的执着 就像一位朋友说的,越执着越放不下 时间, 对自己不离不弃,做自己喜欢的(看书,一个人走走看看) 可能 慢且有效的 秘方


致我不明白的心理学 当阴天来临时 我们应该要收衣 还是要体验天气转凉的美好 还是要预备等下有打雷? 在心情不好的时候 我应该要如何处理? 是否要找出导致心情不好的原因? 还是要找出释放负面情绪的出口? 还是要抱着忧郁,接受忧郁,接受自己有 emoday? 还是要选择正能量 告诉自己别怕 雨后有彩虹


如果没认识妳 是不幸中的大不幸


Procrastinate Avoid Dream big You can dream big, but think about the processes too Recommend writing 3 high impact action as your whole day goal Forgiveness given for procrastination There is no right time to start a project or task. It's depend on you. It is never too late to start. References That’s not to say dreaming big about your end goal is a bad idea. What’s important is how you approach that thinking. “As opposed to fantasizing, a more effective way of visualizing the future is to think about the processes that are involved in reaching a goal, rather than just the end state of achieving it,” Dean says. Try writing those steps down so you can see them on paper. Break them into manageable actions so you’re not simply floundering with a dream that’s too big to wrap your arms around.  “Define the three high-impact actions you want to take each day, and list them as ‘all-day tasks’ on your calendar so you remember what they are.” “Forgiving oneself for procrast...


习惯 一闭上眼睛 就想到你 习惯 一没有事做 就想到你 习惯 一看韩剧     就想到你 多么多的习惯 我要用多少时间 来培养 忘掉你的习惯 习惯 付出真感情 就得不到东西 不管是友情亲情 习惯 一直信任的人 到最后给予失望的回应 也习惯了 等待的滋味 不管是友情亲情 习惯了 一下子 期望 一下子 失望 一下子 期待 一下子 笑 一下子 哭 一下子 郁闷 那些一下子 可能是10秒 1分钟 或 十分钟之差 的心情变化 可说我是疯子 可说我是开心果 一直处于不懂在干嘛的时候 再多的习惯 可以不可以给我一个 对一切伤痛麻木 的习惯?

Get lost

(Forward) My daughter turns 17 today. Dear daughter, I can’t give you any advice. At 17 I knew nothing. At 21 I knew a tiny bit more. At 25 I knew less. At 40 I disappointed everyone. At 47 I was shattered. At 48 I am happy again. What have I learned from it all? Nothing, Nothing at all. I remember one time a company I started was presenting at a booth in Cannes. I got there early before the conference opened that day. I decided to grab a coffee and some of those pastries that the euros are known for. Those little sandwiches everyone eats while standing up. Walking out of the conference hall I was struck like a clock. The sun rising in Cannes. The boats locked right off shore. I couldn’t believe the beauty. Like a postcard that god sent to me. I sat there and sipped my coffee and couldn’t believe what story had drifted me to this shore. What a miracle. When I got back to the booth, all of our equipment had been stolen. Computers, books, demos. I felt really bad. ...


吞 忍 吞 忍 就没其他可以做的事了吗? "It happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you’ve known forever don’t see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on." —Nicholas Sparks everyone isnt important. Yes i know. but i need so connection with my friends too. i hold them so tightly. i tell them so sincerely how much i care them. but it is all bullshit i get nothing but i know im fooling myself. Hahahaha never met equality 


不想成为负能量的带头者 不想成为虚伪正能量的代言者 不想成为丢垃圾给别人的肮脏人 不想成为。。。 很多 只想成为正常人 好吗?


I duno who I should tell with I'm that emotionally unstable I'm that concern about stupid stuffs Yet I wanna share my stories to my friends Afraid of being isolated because of telling many unhealthy news I choose to keep quiet Try to be a easy child in their eyes But I'm so suffer sometime

Big day

my big day was so fun. Hanging out with my best friends. and i also accidentally told my personal matters to them...... pls treat me the same because i was betraying myself

happy bday

well, happy bday i wish i will have happy all day. can it be? yet, im secretly waiting you for Valentine's day. i've promised myself not to think about you. but this is a habit. i really cant change it within a short period. Same with other, when i was at somewhere and had held the memories with you i remembered you. just i cant let it go. but i should have to


头脑打架不可怕 最可拍的是头脑打架时不小心和朋友发生争执 就算头脑有千万个对不起 但 还是不停地和她们争吵 原来我也会发生这种错 mg 问我 我在车上发生什么事 在哭 我当时在车里 不懂为何 就突然间 对我而言 发生什么事也不重要 最重要的事 我发生的一切事情 我到底要和谁说 说了你们明白吗 就算你们明白了 我还是发生一样的事情 你们还会倾听吗? 往往我都会找固定的朋友说 可是 说着说着 我又不喜欢那种气氛 一副认真的说出伤心事 我很想不说 真的很想 我很想吞下所有事 我很想学习有什么难事都不说的你们 我学不到 why did I cry? i really dont understand. i tot im okay, but i dont really. i want to ask why, but i heard from my friend it is nothing can do from her. she cant solve my problem. when she said these words to me, immediately i said i know. but i yell from my heart, why dont you just help me by saying some words? coz i believe in you. i dont really want to say anything else. all i left is crying. i will try my best to cry. dont worry. just let me cry out all my fluid, friends. i hope after that i will be normal. No fluid left, so no nid cry. no cry happy life.


逃避 第一次觉得自己强过他人 逃避事实是我最爱做的事情 没想到 他竟然比我厉害


我本人误打误撞进了易学圈,这么久的 算命 经验使我对易学界和八字等算命方法有了深入的了解,我曾经在qq算命群整天的算命,也担任过国内各大主要易学论坛的八字斑竹,到现在一些论坛还没有把我的名字去掉。 这一年来我对中国易学界上至国内大师下至间高手基本都有了解和接触,对各种算命方式也清清楚楚,在北京和全国各地也拥有很多易友,更有数不清的算命qq群,我是从易学圈里走出来的佛子,最近看到有人聊算命的事情,也想谈谈自己的看法了: 1,命可以算准吗?答案是可以的 周易作为预测术来应用的时候,的确有一定的准确率,有精密的公式和逻辑,算不算得准只是预师的水平问题了,理论上来说都是可以算准的。大家所熟悉的生辰八字算命法主要可以算出人一生大概的趋势和流年大事,水平好的可以算到流月。 另外还有种类繁多的算命方式,如六爻奇门梅花测字紫薇六壬等等,有的可以算得很细致,比如六爻可以占失物,走向,等等,从这一点上来说周易的确是一门广博精深的学问 2,命既然可以算准,那么是一定不变的吗?答案是“不是” 首先,我们应该了解一下周易,究竟可以准到什么地步: 举个例子吧,我曾经遇到某八字和我一样的人,但是她的经历和我有很大的不一样,学历,父母情况,身体各方面都有差异,她是本科但我是硕士,她父母离异,我的没有,但我父母某段期间的确关系不好,她有心率不齐我没有,我们还有很多大的方面不一样,包括流年应事都有一些差异。那我们相同的地方到底在哪里呢? 好比举一个例子吧,04年的时候我们同时都发生了类似的一件事,都是灾祸,但我呢是路上骑车被人把包给我抢了之前还丢手机前后加起来破财大概4000左右,她呢更不幸被一个疯子把腰给捅了。。。。同样都是灾祸,我显然比她幸运很多。 但是这件事在八字上都可以解释得通的,我们那年的问题出在申亥穿,以及羊刃被合上面。申在八字里可以类象为车,刀,金属,等等,所以对我来说骑车被抢和她被刀捅腰,实际上命理都是差不多一样的,但是实际应象就有很大不同。算命算的是什么呢?算的就是象,金木水火土10天干12地支所类象千千万万,故同时辰生人 命运 不一定完全相同,但大概的运势起伏是可以算出来的。没有一个人的命是绝对的。尤其是八字算命,因类象实在太多,故误差有时甚至会很大。 第二,我们应该了解一下,我们可信的依靠周易能算准的人到底有多少 大街小巷的那些,靠算命骗 钱 的不论,有的根本没学过易靠江湖本事...

Current mood

although im not depressed patient, but i wanna give an applause to them/ why? the loneliness and helplessness are very destructive emotions that can ruin a person life. If next time, you heard someone who is depress, pls give them a warm smiling, signalling them that they arent dust in your eyes. you can see them, since they thought that dust maybe noticeable than them. The brain starts the battle is the most painful things. Coz you cant 100% describe them well to anyone.  You know the feeling well. But the feeling of loneliness makes you wanna share it to your friend. You will feel that you are alone coz every perception is unique. Let's us cheer up the depressed friends. For me, im a serious optimistic person sometime or else i will be the extreme severe pessimistic person. In summary, im a quite dangerous person. I cant even control my feeling well. But i will try my best. i believe everytime you help yourself from suffering from those depressed period, you will bou...

Sorry. Dearest me

first of all, i wanna say sorry to me these few years i have a long list of what i should do to improve myself. if the days were busy, or i was in a happy mood, i'll put aside the list. Some promises i made were everyone is treated unimportant and also not to tell my friends my matters. i fail everytime when my friends are concerning me. If they show the sense of concern, i will betray myself, telling all the things i shouldnt reveal them. Im so sorry, vivien. im disappointing you years by years.


救我 吗? 其实 我在等着 救伤车


我差点忘了这个事实 我还是人 我还是会有血有泪 一直都不懂当个人 是要是时候放松 不该骗自己没有事 不该把感情拖着 要嘛就坦坦荡荡 要嘛就动也不动 你不明白这道理吗? 分手后不能当朋友 天真的你为啥把人留着当朋友? 或许以前你觉得会是朋友  可是你有想过以后吗? 人 感情固然重要 可是被很多次不同种类的感情伤害 你还不醒吗? 可以把心稍微分给你自己吗? 可以稍微自私点嘛? 可以顾及一下自己吗? 你是人 你不是宠物  你不需要顾及别人的 他们不是主人 你才是你的 可以撇开这些幼稚的感情事吗? 可以当个人 好好地活着吗?

whatever, i just want to say

say it sincerely, i know im a person who cares on every friend that i define them as friend nothing much to say i just need to know what is your condition recently just want to get the simple answer maybe if you answer me this question this will shorten our physical distance and also relationship distance. so maybe can you just proactive at telling all your things to me? im waiting for you im tired on doing everything by myself