

Avoid Dream big
You can dream big, but think about the processes too
Recommend writing 3 high impact action as your whole day goal

Forgiveness given for procrastination
There is no right time to start a project or task. It's depend on you. It is never too late to start.


That’s not to say dreaming big about your end goal is a bad idea. What’s important is how you approach that thinking. “As opposed to fantasizing, a more effective way of visualizing the future is to think about the processes that are involved in reaching a goal, rather than just the end state of achieving it,” Dean says.

Try writing those steps down so you can see them on paper. Break them into manageable actions so you’re not simply floundering with a dream that’s too big to wrap your arms around.

 “Define the three high-impact actions you want to take each day, and list them as ‘all-day tasks’ on your calendar so you remember what they are.”

“Forgiving oneself for procrastinating is likely to be an essential step in effecting motivational change.”
They found that those students who were able to forgive themselves for delaying studying for their first exam were better able to overcome procrastination and start studying sooner for their second exam.

remember that there’s no designated “right” time to start. It’s never too late and, after all, you’re only human. So know your weaknesses, forgive yourself, and just get going.




