
目前显示的是 六月, 2015的博文


《讓內心的痛苦轉化成寂靜與安穩》 在每天生活中, 對很多人來說很難避免有很多情緒起伏, 有時有很多悲傷、很多憂愁、很多恐懼與害怕, 很生氣或很想得到某東西而得不到, 因這些就是煩惱引起了很多苦, 有時令我們感到人生很苦很苦… 不過無論你當時有多悲傷痛苦與害怕都好, 立即不斷把自己感覺回來了知當下自己的全身, 如此多去觀看自己身體、去了解自己身體、 去感覺當下整個身體姿勢, 嘗試如此地活在當下, 若不斷如此去了解自己, 縱使當時多害怕、痛苦與憂悲都好, 你就會發覺這些情緒會慢慢減少減輕, 內心深處開始生起一絲絲寂靜與安穩, 甚至會生出一絲喜樂。 不要害怕有情緒生起, 因有時情緒總難免會生起, 怕只怕我們不懂此方法和去實修對治, 什麼情緒生起, 只要有正念不斷覺知全身, 那情緒便會更快速與短時間被滅去。 這是有修行的人才有的幸福。

Days overcome everything at night

I always complain about why does my happiness appear in awhile it's too pain to think like tat i never realized , it comes awhile is better than isnt coming at all learn to be appreciated with little things eyes seek for the big thing but they forgot a little sense of wind, little exposure of sunlight are the greatest happiness if u pay an attention to them Life is simple i hope the morning me, can help the night me sunlight gives me energy transform my negative thought into some better thought i hope it conserves these energy for me at night

【网传】 内心小孩

我發誓: 1. 我願意誠心誠意接納、包容我的黑暗面。 2. 當我有負面想法的時候,我會告訴那些想法:「我允許你出現!」 3. 當我有負面情緒的時候,我會告訴那些情緒:「我願意感受你,擁抱你!」接著,真的去感受那些負面情緒。 4. 在感受負面情緒的時候,我不會試著改變它們——包括要它們離開或減弱。 5. 我願意傾聽、理解、在乎、擁抱我的內心小孩。 6. 我會記得,負面情緒出現的時候,就是我的內心小孩需要愛與關懷的時候。 7. 我會記得,負面情緒出現的時候,一定要會使用2.3.4.三個步驟。 8. 當我覺得被困住的時候,我會對自己有耐心一點、溫柔一點。 9. 我願意當我內心小孩的父母,給他希望得到的愛與關懷。 10. 我會記得,先療癒自己,才去幫助別人。而我幫助別人的方式,就是真實的展現自己。

i will

i would like to give up this situation a better world is waiting for me im now wasting my time to think something bad i will carry on my normal life i will!

Disappear from this earth

Last time, she went to my house. She said i've been changed a lot i asked her how i change she listed down a few. It seem like a secret for me now. I still remember when i tell her, i hold my tear coz i was telling the stories to her the stories that i should tell , but due to some reasons i din tell to anyone. dun worry, it isnt a big matter at least im still alive now. Actually i din change i just put down the mask, be worn for so many years i still weak still breakable still being played by anyone i care i've been positive, negative, super positive and super negative these emotions are repeating always and always am i should change? am i expected too high to friend i met? i learned Let thing go am i really feel pleasure and comfort ? i know it take time but every time when that similar event happen the bad memories come agn to me last time was lucky i have someone to tell but then now i dun really know who should i tell? why i wanna tell? w...