
目前显示的是 一月, 2018的博文


差点儿 我就找不回了自己, 那情绪的漩涡,把我给卷入了 再次,我感受到一个人在荒岛的感觉 那感觉是多么的熟悉 朋友与朋友之间 只会聊些表面的事情 为了逃避那不舒服的压力与障碍 对,我是活在人群中,但我不舒服,真心想要找一个可以聊看不见的事情,想法,感受 差点儿,为了生活我忘了自己 情绪能给我开心的感觉,相同的,情绪也可以让我尝试绝望的感觉 往往我没发现到,每个事情,就连情绪,也是有正反面效果 语言也是,说出来的话往往会狠狠的鞭打回自己 我无法晓得,当下的我 应该想些,说些,做些什么 好让以前的我不后悔? 还是,我应该学习, 如何不后悔? 对吧,这个才是好的技巧。 反正,后悔了,我也不能干嘛。 所以,我其实也不懂 反正慢慢走着,我就明白我该干嘛了对吧? 差点儿,我忘记了, 人生是拿来玩的, 认真你就输了, 如果人生就是一场游戏, 我们也不必烦恼, 因为我们可以一直replay, 但人生不是一场游戏, 我们不能一直replay,但 可以一直restart. 一直restart,知道你满意为止。 因为成不成功其实也没什么, 但为了满足你对自己的自我要求, 成功可能需要被达成了。 差点儿,我们忘了,我们可以restart. 献给和我一样,迷茫,不迷茫,后又迷茫的你 献给反反复复的人生 #写完文章我又获得了奇葩力量。 vivien


Hi, my main goal of 2018 is to be an influencer in mental health field. For me, it's very important to practice self-love in our entire life. No matter how good you do, there are always critics on you, maybe it's from your own self-talk or from the outside world.  From the chaos of the emotion, I learned, if we want to be ourselves, means to say to chase our dream or do whatever you want, we must embed a very strong antivirus. For human body, if you want to prevent a disease, you can take the vaccine injection. But for our mental state, how can we prevent the negativity from outside or inside? The answer will be vary from people to people. Some people think that they will ignore or reject the negativity. These kind of people will try to push themselves to a certain level such as become a superbee (very hardworking style) or hit the goals in a short time, never rest. But, for me, its totally unnatural. If our level is that low, means to say we are depressed, sad...