
目前显示的是 四月, 2016的博文


致我不明白的心理学 当阴天来临时 我们应该要收衣 还是要体验天气转凉的美好 还是要预备等下有打雷? 在心情不好的时候 我应该要如何处理? 是否要找出导致心情不好的原因? 还是要找出释放负面情绪的出口? 还是要抱着忧郁,接受忧郁,接受自己有 emoday? 还是要选择正能量 告诉自己别怕 雨后有彩虹


如果没认识妳 是不幸中的大不幸


Procrastinate Avoid Dream big You can dream big, but think about the processes too Recommend writing 3 high impact action as your whole day goal Forgiveness given for procrastination There is no right time to start a project or task. It's depend on you. It is never too late to start. References That’s not to say dreaming big about your end goal is a bad idea. What’s important is how you approach that thinking. “As opposed to fantasizing, a more effective way of visualizing the future is to think about the processes that are involved in reaching a goal, rather than just the end state of achieving it,” Dean says. Try writing those steps down so you can see them on paper. Break them into manageable actions so you’re not simply floundering with a dream that’s too big to wrap your arms around.  “Define the three high-impact actions you want to take each day, and list them as ‘all-day tasks’ on your calendar so you remember what they are.” “Forgiving oneself for procrast...


习惯 一闭上眼睛 就想到你 习惯 一没有事做 就想到你 习惯 一看韩剧     就想到你 多么多的习惯 我要用多少时间 来培养 忘掉你的习惯 习惯 付出真感情 就得不到东西 不管是友情亲情 习惯 一直信任的人 到最后给予失望的回应 也习惯了 等待的滋味 不管是友情亲情 习惯了 一下子 期望 一下子 失望 一下子 期待 一下子 笑 一下子 哭 一下子 郁闷 那些一下子 可能是10秒 1分钟 或 十分钟之差 的心情变化 可说我是疯子 可说我是开心果 一直处于不懂在干嘛的时候 再多的习惯 可以不可以给我一个 对一切伤痛麻木 的习惯?

Get lost

(Forward) My daughter turns 17 today. Dear daughter, I can’t give you any advice. At 17 I knew nothing. At 21 I knew a tiny bit more. At 25 I knew less. At 40 I disappointed everyone. At 47 I was shattered. At 48 I am happy again. What have I learned from it all? Nothing, Nothing at all. I remember one time a company I started was presenting at a booth in Cannes. I got there early before the conference opened that day. I decided to grab a coffee and some of those pastries that the euros are known for. Those little sandwiches everyone eats while standing up. Walking out of the conference hall I was struck like a clock. The sun rising in Cannes. The boats locked right off shore. I couldn’t believe the beauty. Like a postcard that god sent to me. I sat there and sipped my coffee and couldn’t believe what story had drifted me to this shore. What a miracle. When I got back to the booth, all of our equipment had been stolen. Computers, books, demos. I felt really bad. ...